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Tips and help for search

How to search

Type one or more words into the search field and click the search button. The search result, a list of documents containing the search phrase, will be shown.

The search phrase

Searching for a single word sometimes result in a very long list of matching documents. To narrow down the list of results you can type more words as your search phrase.

You can type the first part of a word when searching. The search function will find all words that begin the same way. The result will also match variants of a word (for example typing leading will also match lead, leads, leader, leaded and so on).

You can use double quotation marks ("...") around your search phrase to match that exact phrase.

You can use Boolean operators such as AND, OR and NOT to broaden or narrow your search.

Search suggestions

When you are typing your search phrase, you will get suggested search phrases popping up below the search field. You can use the arrows on your keyboard or use your mouse to select a suggested phrase.


Refine your search

To reduce the number of hits and get a more relevant search result you can select any of the categories displayed under "Refine your search". The number within the parenthesis is the number of hits under that category.

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